In March of 1999, a quirky sci-fi show went on the air in Australia. It told the tale of an American astronaut thrown in with a band of escaped convicts aboard a living ship. After four years of misadventures and hours of puppeteering, the group had managed to traverse the universe and gain a (small) but loyal fanbase.
Although some begrudge the worth of Farscape, there's no denying the mark it made on the sci-fi community.
There's also no denying the formulaic nature of the program. There have been and will always be shows about space exploration, loss, being a fugitive, and little alien men in hover chairs; but few are as entertaining as Farscape. Don't get me wrong-the show is all kinds of cheesy but it does have merit.
If you like Star Trek: Deep Space Nine or Babylon 5, then Farscape may be for you.
Give it a look.
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