In 1993, Henry Selick directed The Nightmare Before Christmas. This bizarre, animated film was well received by critics and kids alike. It was welcomed as a diversion from the standard MiracleOn34thStreet/WonderfulLife/RudolphTheRedNose fare. And since then has sat quietly on the shelves of many DVD owners... for 364 days of the year.
Jack Skellington, the #1 celebrity of Halloween Town has grown tired of hob goblins and the Halloween hullabaloo. After seeking solitude in the forest, Jack discovers a secret passageway to another dimension. A world of light, gingerbread and snow known as Christmas Town. Eager to bring some ho, ho, ho to his ho-hum life, Jack returns to Halloween Town to spread the news. None of this sits very well with Mr. Oogie Boogie...better known as the boogie man.
The animation is crisp, the voice acting is passionate and the jazzy instrumentals are inspired. Not to be missed.
I rate it a Bucket-O-Food!
Partial Credits
Director: Henry Selick
Writers: Tim Burton, Michael McDowell and Caroline Thompson
Jack (singing voice): Danny Elfman
Jack (speaking voice): Chris Sarandon
Sally/Shock: Catherine O'Hara
Dr. Finklestein: William Hickey
Mayor: Glenn Shadix
Lock: Paul Reubens
Oogie Boogie: Ken Page
Santa: Edward Ivory
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