Looking for Something?

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Thor is the next movie out by the folks at Marvel. 

They struck gold (or at least a high-grade silver) with the first Iron Man in 2008. Pissed off the Hulk. And feel so awful about the ending of Spiderman they're calling for a mulligan. 

Should they really be tampering with  
Thor, almighty God of Thunder

Want to know what I think?
1. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) looks like a cheap Brad Pitt.

2. Hemsworth has a terrible accent. It just doesn't sound right at all..

3. Thor is ridiculously petite. I think they scaled down Mjolnir to fit Hemsworth's well-moisturized hands.

4. Thor looks moisturized. Yes, Nordic peoples were rather clean, but he looks like he's been to get his nails done. Throw some dirt on the man.

5. What is Odin talking about with the whole "I'm trying to bring peace" speech? That has nothing at all to do with the Norse mythology. Warrior gods....honoring fallen soldiers....endless feast-war cycle...Respect the classics, man.

6. Soundtrack and set are not looking so hot. The music is out-dated, from an early 2000s action flick. The set looks like it was borrowed after they filmed The Chronicles of Riddick.
7. The All-Father sounds like a petulant child. Shouldn't Odin have a deep resonant voice......like Excalibur from Soul Eater, but less melodic. He had it for a moment right before turning on Loki...but then it just slipped away.
8. Is this going to be another Scorpion King?
9. Why is Thor holding his hammer like a limp noodle?
10. What is going on with that costume! Thor has an awesome get-up. Why did someone feel compelled to change it?

That being said the Thor video game teaser trailer gave me goosebumps. They managed to make Hacksworth look pretty cool.

Summer 2011, woo whoo!


The final verdict on the lot? Stick of gum.Run while you can!

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