Looking for Something?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

SYLVIA: Were you looking for another Adam Sandler flick? The kind where a sympathetic character has a ridiculously bad idea that ends up helping, then hurting, then helping him again? Well, good because that is exactly what Just Go With It is. You'll laugh at the silliness and groan at the inevitable struggles. The ending will warm your heart, while the gratuitous boobage will warm the rest of you.  

Note: There is no Hawaiian who would attempt to trade two chickens for a car--let me clarify, no sober, meth-free Hawaiian who would attempt to trade two chickens for a car. The handful of scenes that featured "locals" were...offensive. Coming from me that says a lot...

Ignoring the offensive scenes? This movie is a buttery, sweet Popcorn Combo. Do you agree?

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